Nomination to serve on the Council of the British Interplanetary Society

Council Members of the British Interplanetary Society are the Trustees of the Society. They are responsible for ensuring that the Society fulfills the obligations laid down in its Articles of Association. The Council ensures that the Society remains relevant and forward thinking, and is tasked with guiding it through the changes needed to achieve its aims. All Members of the Society who have been Fellows, registered as ‘Corporate Members’, for at least three years, are eligible to be nominated or can nominate themselves, for election to Council.  A Proposer and a Seconder are required and both must be Fellows.

Council members do not have to have any particular specialisation, but they are expected to take responsibility for guidance of the Society and its Committees. Run mainly by volunteers, Council members should keep the Committees fully informed of any relevant decisions or requests made by Council.

As with any organisation, the Society looks for candidates with a professional outlook who will be able to complete any actions or tasks assigned to them. Council meetings are held roughly every six weeks. If members have a particular area of expertise or interest, they may be asked to join a particular Committee such as the Finance and General Purposes (F&GP) committee which oversees the governance of the Society in support of the CEO/Executive Secretary.

Nomination forms for election to Council can be obtained from the CEO/Executive Secretary, or completed online directly via the form below:

The deadline for submission of nominations is 12:00 GMT on Friday 5 July 2024. The AGM will be held on Saturday 28 September 2024 at the BIS London. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, an election will be held by secret ballot. Ballot papers will be prepared and circulated to all Corporate Members to be completed and returned to the CEO/Executive Secretary by post, by email or at the AGM if attending in person.

To nominate yourself for Council, please complete the following Nomination Form. You must have a Proposer and Seconder, and you should provide these individuals’ Fellowship numbers and email addresses. The BIS will contact them to confirm their support for your nomination.
Please note that:
(i) Nominees must be Fellows of the Society and have been so for at least the last three consecutive years, and Proposers/Seconders must be Fellows of the Society;
(ii) Under the Constitution of the Society, candidates are invalidated who, by reason of any actual or potential conflict of interest, may not be able to act wholly and exclusively in the interest of the Society;
(iii) By their acceptance of nomination, Nominees undertake to abide fully with the Regulations of the Society concerning the responsibilities of Council Members.
To check your eligibility and access the governing documents of the Society, you should visit
Thank you for your interest in joining the Council of the Society.
Please complete the following nomination form.