Interstellar Exploration
Showing all 11 results
A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight
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Advanced Deuterium Fusion Rocket Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions
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Avoiding Intellectual Stagnation: The Starship as an Expander of Minds
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Humanity’s first explicit step in reaching another star: The Interstellar Probe Mission
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Mathematics of Magsails
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On the Organisation of World Ships and Other Gigascale Interstellar Space Exploration Projects
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Problems and Perspectives in Interstellar Exploration
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Project Icarus: Communications Data Link Designs Between Icarus and Earth and Between Icarus Spacecraft
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Project Icarus: Exploring Alpha Centauri: Trajectories and Strategies for Subprobe Deployment
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The Effects of Probe Dynamics on Galactic Exploration Timescales
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The Philosophy of the Starship – Revisited
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