A History Of Space And Limits To Growth


C. M. Hempsell. (1998), JBIS, 51, pp.323-336

Refcode: 1998.51.323


One of the recurring themes in the justification of astronautics as a human activity is that it provides the ultimate insurance for mankind against the material limitations of the Earth and its effect on population and economic growth. Generally when the subject receives attention it is in isolation and is not part of a developing pattern of thinking. This often gives the impression that the concept is new and not well thought through which is not the case. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the thinking on the subject leading up to the work associated with the HOTOL project; finding the earliest references and showing how the treatment and appreciation of the issues has altered over time. The purpose is firstly to illustrate that the subject does have a history and secondly to draw some overall conclusions on that history.