A Language Based On The Fundamental Facts Of Science


C.L. Devito, R.T. Oehrle, (1990), JBIS, 43, pp.561-568

Refcode: 1990.43.561


The purpose of this paper is to show how a language can be developed, based on the rudiments of logic, mathematics and physical sciences which would enable us to communicate with hypothetical intelligentaliens. There are, of course, other reasons for constructing such a language. First, in the not very distant future, we shall want to involve computer in scientific problems at a level akin to that of humans. This will require a language that incorporates science into its basic structure. Natural languages, i.e., any language spoken by human beings, are too complicated for this and are unsuitable in other ways as well. Secondly, it is necessary to elucidate the manner in which real-world experience enters into language acquisition. This information could be valuable in the development of artificial intelligence, particularly in the area of machine translation. In developing a knowledge-based system to translate material in a certain area, it is important to know what minimal knowledge the system must have.