A Sole/AD Astra: From The Sun To The Stars


R. L. McNutt Jr. (1997), JBIS, 50, pp.463-474

Refcode: 1997.50.463


Two highly-ranked exploratory missions central to the discipline of Space Physics have eluded the grasp or NASA and the Space Science community for over 20 years. These missions would yield measurements of fundamental importance for our understanding or the galactic environment in which we live while enabling us to pursue long-standing questions of the state and evolution of our stellar environment and its implications for the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Both missions consist of probes carrying both remote sensing and in situ experiments designed to make measurements that can be obtained in no other way. One probe, the Solar Probe, would explore the inner boundary of our stellar environment; the corona of the Sun while the other, the Interstellar Probe, would probe the outer boundary: the Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM).