Bioastronomy – The Exploration Broadens: The Third International Symposium On Bioastronomy


M. D. Papagiannis. (1991), JBIS, 44, pp.405-408

Refcode: 1991.44.405


IAU Commission 51 – Bioastronomy: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, was established in 1982 at the 18th IAU General Assembly in Patras, Greece. It was preceded by a successful one day session on the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence in 1979 at the 17th IAU General Assembly in Montreal, that was organised by Michael Papagiannis, and was culminated by summarising talks by F. Drake and M. Papagiannis in the same evening to a huge audience of about 1000 astronomers. The proceedings were published by D. Reidel Publ. Co. in their Astrophysics and Space Science Library [I].