Columbus Mission Planning Concept


W. Salter. (1991), JBIS, 44, pp.307-316

Refcode: 1991.44.307


The Columbus project is the European contribution to the International Space Station Freedom Program, which will be a mission lasting some 30 years and involving many space elements. The predicted launch date for the first element is 1997. The experiment complement located in each space element will be periodically exchanged during the regular servicing missions, conducted either by the Space Shuttle, or Hermes, the planned European space plane. The Manned Space-Laboratories Control Centre (MSCC), located at the site of Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich, will be the system and payload operations centre for the Columbus Free Flying Laboratory and the payload coordination centre for the European experiments located in Ille Columbus Attached Laboratory or elsewhere on the Space Station Freedom. The overall system and payload responsibility for the Space Station Freedom, also named the Space Station Manned Base (SSMB) will rest in the United States.