Concepts For In-Situ Resource Utilization On Mars: A Personal Historical Perspective


J. R. French. (1995), JBIS, 48, pp.311-313

Refcode: 1995.48.311


During the days of exploration and immigration using sailing vessels (an era shared by Asian and Polynesian cultures as well as by European), the motive power was free. However passengers and crew still consumed and thus required supplies. Rarely if ever did an expedition go forth fully supplied for the round trip voyage. It was always planned that water and, usually food would be replenished at stops along the way even though such slops might be in wild and uninhabited places. With the advent of steamers, supplies for both the vessel and the personnel required replenishment. Establishment of coaling stations was essential to world-wide travel. Wood-fired vessels were often refuelled oil the land when no friendly facilities existed. In modern times refuelling from local supplies is vital to the airline industry.