Contributions Of Space Reflector Technology To Food Production, Local Weather Manipulation And Energy Supply, 1985-2020


K. A. Ehricke. (1981), JBIS, 34, pp.511-518

Refcode: 1981.34.511


THE GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF SPACE LIGHT systems is to transmit solar radiation in a controlled manner to selected areas on Earth. Orbiting reflectors beam to Earth measured amounts of sunlight energy. The reflection process “filters out” UV and shorter radiation, thereby avoiding interference of the beam with physical and chemical processes in the ionosphere and the ozone layer. The light generally is beamed by a number of reflectors trained to a given area to be illuminated (service area). Reflector size and number are tailored to their functional requirements which fall into two main categories: night illumination (Lunetta systems) and solar-level irradiation intensity (Soletta systems).