Looking Back: A Beginning In International Manned Space Flight – The Apollo Soyuz Test Project


M. R. Sharpe. (1981), JBIS, 34, pp.355-360

Refcode: 1981.34.355


IN THIS YEAR THAT MARKS the 20th anniversary of Yuri A. Gagarin’s epochal voyage into space on 12 April 1961, cosmonauts of Cuba, Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Outer Mongolia, Bulgaria and Vietnam (Romania will follow) have followed Gagarin into space through the Soviet Union’s Inter cosmos programme of international cooperation in space science and engineering among Socialist bloc countries. Additionally, French astronauts are undergoing training for a cooperative flight to the Salyut 7 space station with Soviet host cosmonauts, Chinese astronauts are also in training for that nation’s first venture into manned space flight, albeit not an internationally cooperative one.