Man/Alien Dialogues – A Nanobiologist’s Perspective


S. Santoli. (1998), JBIS, 51, pp.195-200

Refcode: 1998.51.195


The idea – or the dream? – of a general, universal grammar transcending any particularities of each historical language goes back to the Middle Ages; the stylistic/grammatical and the logical investigation of the structures of discourse reaches modern times very impressively through the work of the 17th century French intellectual coterie of the “solitaries” who gathered in the Jansenistic monastery of Port Royal – work known as the “Grammar” and the “Logic” of Port Royal – before the suppression of the monastery in 1708 by the Pope and its destruction in 1710: and through Leibniz’s logico-grammatical attempts at the universality of discourse and of language in general.