Microtektite Dispersal From Subcritical Impact Events On Earth: Impact Influence On Spacecraft


R. D. Lorenz. (1998), JBIS, 51, pp.471-476

Refcode: 1998.51.471


The dramatic energy deposition at a planetary surface during a large impact accelerates large amounts of local material to high velocities. This ejecta, however, seen as rays on the Moon, for example, is stopped over very short distances in an atmosphere. Ejecta morphology is very different therefore on Mars, Venus and the Earth, where blankets of ejecta arc deposited in the near vicinity of the crater. The cloud of hot vapour generated in an impact expands and cools, until its pressure equals that of the local atmosphere. It then rises buoyantly until it reaches equilibrium, forming the classic mushroom cloud associated with nuclear explosions.