Orbital Transfer Vehicle – An Overview


V. A. Caluori, D. R. Saxton. (1981), JBIS, 34, pp.171-174

Refcode: 1981.34.171


THE CONCEPT DEFINITION PHASE of NASA’s Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) programme is nearing its conclusion. The results to date have all owed a number of conclusions to be drawn. These results are different than previous studies (Space Tug) as a result of differing mission requirements, improved technical understanding (particularly in the Shuttle interface area), and innovative concepts. The objective of this paper is to summarize the studies at a relatively high level and present the most important current conclusions. The remainder of this paper is organized by the following subject headings: Concept Definition Overview; Mission Requirements, Programme Approach – Initial Vehicle, Core Concept Capabilities, Aero-Assist, and Summary.