Small Laser-Pushed Lightsail Interstellar Probe:* A Study Of Parameter Variations


G. A. Landis. (1997), JBIS, 50, pp.149-154

Refcode: 1997.50.149


Recent reviews of interstellar flight have underscored the immense cost of even a small interstellar probe. Mileikowsky, for example, calculates the cost of a 1000 kg interstellar flyby probe travelling at 0.3 times the speed of light. Analysing the laser-pushed lightsail propulsion system proposed by Forward, 65,000GW must be supplied to the laser for 900 hours. At a capital cost of $2/W, the electrical generation facility capital cost comes to 130 trillion dollars. Andrews [3] calculated similar numbers but notes that lower electrical generating costs could reduce the price.