The Cradle Of The Russian Rocket Science


A. Zak. (1996), JBIS, 49, pp.243-248

Refcode: 1996.49.243


Even though the real history of the TsNIIMash began in 1946, several events well before the Second World War had prepared it. In 1929 the town of Podlipki on the Moscow’s north-east boundary had been a typical out-of-the-way place, which mostly consisted of wooden houses, leaning clown fences, dusty streets and grassy ditches. It was the year, when dressy German speaking men were noticed around by locals. With their appearance the town experience changes. The first stone houses were being built beside the rail road station, industrial buildings were launched and farther into the town several thousands of Germany engineers and construction workers got jobs done quietly, with the pace unusual for the country.