The Extraterrestrial Imperative Part Three: New Earth – Space Energy Metabolism – 1


K. A. Ehricke. (1980), JBIS, 33, pp.379-390

Refcode: 1980.33.379


THE PRESENT ENERGY WORLD is shrinking rapidly, just as the need for continuing global development requires an expanding energy world. Ironically, the shortage is caused by political factors, environmental extremism and other human factors, not by nature. This, in spite of the lessons offered by Third World conditions where energy poverty keeps maintaining the dismal pre-industrial living conditions to which once all humanity was subjected. For the industrial countries, a return to energy poverty would destroy the quality of life, the high standards of personal and cultural freedom, and the once unimaginable level of social services – all of which were achieved so painfully in two centuries of industrial and economic growth.