The Implications Of Life As A Cosmic Phenomenon: The Anthropic Context


F. Hoyle, N. C. Wickramasinghe. (1991), JBIS, 44, pp.77-86

Refcode: 1991.44.77


The aim of science is to explore the Universe – to systematize natural phenomena, to attempt explanations of them and make predictions in the context of certain world models. From the vast range of natural phenomena that surrounds us, science itself offers no firm rules for selecting things that are important from those that are not. All too often there is a tendency to regard as important a subset of phenomena that can be easily explained, and to neglect those that seem too difficult to grasp. In this latter category are included, ce1tain fundamental phenomena relating to life, particularly in relation to its origins and universality. Many problems relating to these matters are often skimmed over, if not entirely neglected, at the present time.