The IRAS Faint Source Survey


M. Moshir. (1991), JBIS, 44, pp.495-504

Refcode: 1991.44.495


The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), a joint effort by the US, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, was a mission designed to perform a complete survey of the sky in the infrared spectral range of 8 – 120 µm. From January to November of 1983 this satellite conducted a survey of98% of the sky in four wavelength bands centred at 12, 25, 60, and 100µm [1]. It spent approximately two-thirds of the 300-day mission performing an unbiased survey of the sky, leading to the release in 1984 of the IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC) containing some 250,000 sources. A review of the satellite and its operation has previously been presented in this journal.