The Polar Exploration Of Mars


C. S. Cockell. (1995), JBIS, 48, pp.355-364

Refcode: 1995.48.355


The Martian polar caps are a significant feature of the Martian surface and were observed by Giovanni Cassini as early as 1666. The obliquity of Mars (25.2″) is similar to the Earth and for that reason Mars is subject to similar seasonal variations in climate to the Earth, which are reflected in the extent and behaviour of the Martian polar caps. Because the poles represent one of the few geological features of Mars that undergo significant variation over relatively short time periods (from season lo season) and because of their involvement in the deposition and cycling of volatiles, particularly CO2, which also has an effect on Martian atmospheric pressure and winds, they represent an important target of Martian exploration, both robotic and human.