Transputers And Their Use In On-Board Computers*


A. J. B. Brown et al. (1996), JBIS, 49, pp.209-214

Refcode: 1996.49.209


Satellites International Ltd (SIL) has a long history of radiation testing of electronic components including Transputers and also the design of Transputer based computer systems for use in the space environment. This paper describes the history of Transputer radiation testing and the use of “Transputers in two of SIL’s space designs, the Command and Data Handling System (CDHS) for the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO), launched in December 1995 and the On-Board Data Handling System (OBDH) for the BADR-B micro-satellite due to be launched in early 1996.