Fellowship Renewal (2024)


PLEASE NOTE this is Retrospective Fellowship for LAPSED FELLOWS only.

Renew your BIS Fellowship for 2024.

You can also select Print or Digital versions of all the 2024 BIS magazines.

NB: If you subscribe to a Printed magazine, you will also receive a Digital version at no extra charge, with access to all editions published in 2024, when they are available.


Digital SpaceFlight is free with your fellowship
Print should be selected if you wish to purchase a subscription* to receive a physical copy every month.

Journal of the BIS (JBIS):
Digital JBIS is free with your fellowship
Print should be selected if you wish to purchase a subscription* to receive a physical copy every month.

Space Chronicle:
Print and Digital copies of Space Chronicle are available for subscription* and are produced quarterly.

*Additional costs involved

All fields are mandatory and are set at the basic fellowship level (12 months of fellowship benefits and 12 digital copies of our monthly Spaceflight and JBIS magazines).

NB: BIS memberships are based on a calendar year from 01 January to 31 December. 

This membership is for the calendar year 2024.

If you would like to subscribe to any of our magazines, or receive a physical copy of any of our magazines, please change the selection to your subscription preferences below.

Product total
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